Cary Loren
Cary Loren’s writing career began with self-published art zines in the 1970s. Loren has published one obscure novella in Dutch, poetry (as lyricist for Destroy All Monsters and Monster Island). He also maintains a blog where he posts essays on the arts. Together with his wife Colleen Kammer, Loren runs The Book Beat, an independent bookstore in Oak Park, Michigan where he facilitates a discussion group on world literature. His works in progress include a book-length study of the Detroit Artists Workshop and biographical text for a photography book on Leni Sinclair. His interests lie in regional histories, collage, and the fragmentation and collision of culture and politics. Loren also makes zines, videos, music, and art.
Loren served as a 2010 Kresge Artist Fellowship panelist in Literary Arts, and was a 2014-2015 Kresge Arts in Detroit Advisory Council member.
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