Mack Thorsday
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
Check out our artist showcase! kresgeartsindetroitpresents.art
Danielle Aubert is the author of The Detroit Printing Co-op: The Politics of the Joy of Printing (2019) and co-author of Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies (2012), about life in Lafayette Park, Detroit. She has also published Marking the Dispossessed (2015), a collection of handwritten notes written in the margins of 100 used copies of Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, and 16 Months Worth of Drawings in Microsoft Excel (2006). Aubert is an associate professor of graphic design at Wayne State University and is working on a project about graphic design and leftist politics.
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
Performance Art, Poetry, Spoken Word
Interdisciplinary Work, Interdisciplinary Work
Interdisciplinary Work, Interdisciplinary Work, Interdisciplinary Work
Interdisciplinary Work, Music Composition, Music Performance