Mack Thorsday
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
Check out our artist showcase! kresgeartsindetroitpresents.art
Desiree Cooper is a former attorney, Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist, and Detroit community activist whose fiction dives unflinchingly into the intersection of racism and sexism. Using the compressed medium of flash fiction, she explores intimate spaces to reveal what it means to be human. Her fiction and poetry have appeared in Callaloo, Detroit Noir, Best African American Fiction 2010, and Tidal Basin Review, among other online and print publications. Her first collection of flash fiction, Know the Mother, was published by Wayne State University Press in 2016. Cooper was a founding board member of Cave Canem, a national residency for emerging black poets. She is currently a Kimbilio Fellow, a national residency for African American fiction writers.
Cooper served as a 2019 Kresge Artist Fellowship panelist in Literary Arts.