Mack Thorsday
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
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Kim Hunter is a lifelong Detroiter employed in media relations for nonprofits. He has served as Poet-in-Residence in several Detroit public schools through the InsideOut Literary Arts Project. He co-directs the 10-year old Woodward Line Poetry Series. His work has appeared in such publications as Rainbow Darkness, Abandon Automobile Triage, Hipology, Metro Times, Dispatch Detroit and Graffiti Rag. His has published two collections of poetry: “Borne on Slow Knives” (Past Tents Press, 2001) and “Edge of the Time Zone” (White Print Inc., 2009).
Hunter was a 2016-2017 Kresge Arts in Detroit Advisory Council member, and served as a 2015 Kresge Artist Fellowship panelist in Literary Arts.