Mack Thorsday
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
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As a playwright, Shaun Nethercott uses immersive or mobile staging, audience engagement, and polyphonic voices to explore feminist, environmental, or justice themes. She has dedicated her life to creating plays which give voice to the unheard, in structures which transmit their own meaning, and which engage audiences in personal, interactive, and place-based ways. Nethercott’s produced professional work includes: ’37-’87, an immersive staging of Flint’s Sitdown Strike, Trial, based on Kafka’s book and staged at the Kauffman Gallery in Houston, and Mother Tongue presented at Ann Arbor’s Common Ground Theatre and produced with an Arts Foundation of Michigan fellowship. At Matrix Theatre Company, which she founded, Nethercott created Once Was Paradise, Boomtown 1925, Ghost Waters, Decide Tonight, and Home Water, as well as numerous youth plays and outdoor puppet spectacles. In 2012, with a Cape Cod National Seashore fellowship, she began DNA, a play about Rosalind Franklin’s discovery of its structure.
Nethercott served as a 2014 Kresge Artist Fellowship panelist in Film/Theatre.