Mack Thorsday
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
Check out our artist showcase! kresgeartsindetroitpresents.art
Longtime Hamtramck, MI resident, Steve Hughes is the writer and publisher of the zine Stupor. Although he might spend too much time drinking beer in local bars, these are his favorite spots to listen to other people talk and to collect their stories, which he digests, then writes and finally assembles into a Stupor. He collaborates with local and national artists who accomplish unique designs and layouts for every issue. Stupor is sold at many stores that offer small-press magazines such as Printed Matter in New York City and Leopold’s Books in Detroit. Hughes is also co-owner of the Public Pool art space in Hamtramck. He runs his own building and renovation company as well.
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
Performance Art, Poetry, Spoken Word
Interdisciplinary Work, Interdisciplinary Work
Interdisciplinary Work, Interdisciplinary Work, Interdisciplinary Work
Interdisciplinary Work, Music Composition, Music Performance