Mack Thorsday
Performance Art, Poetry, Storytelling
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Terry Blackhawk is the author of several collections of poetry including The Light Between (Wayne State University Press, 2012) and Escape Artist (BkMk Press, 2003), which received the John Ciardi Prize for Poetry. Her most recent work is included in Michigan Quarterly Review, The Collagist, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily and Nimrod International Journal, which awarded her the Pablo Neruda Poetry Prize. In 1995, while teaching creative writing for Detroit Public Schools, she founded InsideOut Literary Arts Project, a nonprofit writers-in-schools program. InsideOut serves more than 5,000 children and youth in classrooms and communities throughout Detroit and has twice been honored by the White House.
Blackhawk served as a 2019 Kresge Artist Fellowship panelist in Literary Arts.