Drummer B
Music Performance
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Composer/musician Joel Peterson has 22 years of experience performing and teaching music. He has programmed music and art in Detroit for 16 years, including over 200 events a year at Bohemian National Home from 2005-2008. Peterson studied double-bass with Detroit Symphony Orchestra Principal Robert Gladstone and Dan Pliskow, as well as guitar with John Denome. He is a founding member of Immigrant Suns, Scavenger Quartet, Lac La Belle, Odu Afrobeat, Xenharmonic Gamelan and BoxDeserter. He has collaborated with Rhys Chatham, Eugene Chadbourne, Damo Suzuki, Faruq Z. Bey, Frank Pahl, Thollem McDonas, Tatsuya Nakatani, Steve Cohn, Amy Denio, Gino Robair, The Violent Femmes, and many others.